2016 School Board Elections Coalition forms to educate community


Guest blogger Latasha Myers is an intern at the Jacksonville Public Education Fund for the summer. She is working with coalition partners to make the public aware of the Duval County School Board Elections and inform the community about the candidates that are running.

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Classrooms benefit from JPEF donations/grants


undefinedToday we welcome guest blogger, Blythe Benton. Blythe is a student at John N.C. Stockton Elementary school who took the time to share how PowerUP Jax, sponsored by the Community First Cares Foundation, has made a positive impact in his classroom. His teacher, Jennifer Norton, received a PowerUP Jax innovation grant to engage students in current events.

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New research paper looks at racial and economic integration in public schools


On the heels of the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, and with so much in the news lately about racial and economic diversity in public schools, we wondered: How diverse are public schools in Duval County?

This Issue Review looks at the data and explores some possible implications for Duval County, especially with new school choice legislation that is likely to begin having an impact on local schools over the next several years.

Keep reading to download the full report and explore interactive maps with data on every public school in our city.

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Early implementation of STEM programs can benefit Jacksonville businesses


This spring, one of our board members, Anita Vining, had the opportunity to hear Hannah Beatty, a high school senior, at the Rotary Oratory Speech Competition.

“[Her] eloquent words are descriptive of what we try to convey to the public every day…Quality Education is the beginning route to a successful destination,” Vining said after hearing Hannah speak.

Here, Hannah adapted her speech for the blog and we hope that you enjoy!

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Youth Risk Behavior Survey results: What you need to know


The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a sobering reminder that our children are more than just students—they are people in society facing many of the same challenges that adults face. In April, the results of the 2015 YRBS were released. We have taken the time to analyze those results, and here are some of the highlights.

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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.