Community Activation: How partnerships between children and adults in the community can create brighter future


We have a shared responsibility to ensure that all of its children have the opportunity to attend high-quality public schools so that they are prepared to contribute to the city’s economic future. The road to achievement is a two-way street—there are both adults and students who can and should be educating each other and working alongside each other to create a continuous improvement feedback loop.

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Behind the Scenes: What’s being done to address student mental health


Jacksonville residents and leaders are recognizing that we all have a shared duty to ensure that all of our city’s children have the opportunity to learn and develop. Mental health has come front stage as an important factor that impacts educational outcomes for students. Find out what's being done behind the scenes to help increase access to mental health services. 

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Behind the Scenes: What’s being done to address student mental health


Jacksonville residents and leaders are recognizing that we all have a shared duty to ensure that all of our city’s children have the opportunity to learn and develop. Mental health has come front stage as an important factor that impacts educational outcomes for students. Find out what's being done behind the scenes to help increase access to mental health services. 

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Jacksonville Public Education Fund presents at Jacksonville Young Democrats’ education roundtable event


Jacksonville Public Education Fund, along with several other organizations, spoke at the roundtable hosted by Jacksonville Young Democrats focused on education reform and collective action. Our community is coming together to make improvements for all people in our city and help keep Jacksonville on track to becoming the great city we know it can be!

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ONE by ONE: Student Voice task forces get closer to developing action plan


The Jacksonville community is recognizing that we have a shared responsibility to ensure that all of our city’s children have the opportunity to attend high-quality public schools. That is why the Jacksonville Public Education Fund has taken on the task of improving the student experience in public schools by identifying opportunities to incorporate their feedback to better inform policy making, programming and other educational efforts in Duval County.

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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.