Giving thanks to great school leaders


Last week, we learned that one of our own principals in Duval County Public Schools was one of 11 principals across the nation to win the Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership from the U.S. Department of Education.

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Giving thanks to great school leaders


Last week, we learned that one of our own principals in Duval County Public Schools was one of 11 principals across the nation to win the Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership from the U.S. Department of Education.

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The power of parental involvement


Tiffany Clark (pictured above), the parent of a student in Duval County Public Schools, shares a story of how parents can make a difference for kids when they share their concerns with the right decision-makers. Tiffany is a participant in Parents Who Lead, a partnership between JPEF, Duval County Public Schools and the Jacksonville Public Library.

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31 Duval schools selected as “Schools of Excellence” in second year


Four more public schools in Duval County were named “Schools of Excellence” last week, allowing them more flexibility and autonomy in how they operate.


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Access and equity: A hard conversation that's harder to avoid


As part of the year-long EDDYs Experience, James E. Ford, the 2015 North Carolina Teacher of the Year, came to Jacksonville to speak to the 2019 school-level Teachers of the Year.

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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.