Three teachers awarded the Wolfburg Fellowship for Social Justice in Education

The fellows will pursue professional learning on diversity and inclusion, participate in JPEF’s Teacher Leadership Initiative, and lead activities with their students.


Jake and Brian Wolfburg, the CEO of VyStar Credit Union, established the Fellowship at the Jacksonville Public Education Fund in 2020 to advance the work of public school teachers committed to social justice in Duval County.

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40 Duval educators complete JPEF Summer Residency to help drive equitable outcomes in their schools

Principals, assistant principals, and teacher leaders worked together for three days to learn best practices to improve student outcomes.


Educators will work to bring restorative justice, trauma-informed care, and collective leadership to their schools in the upcoming year.

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JPEF President Rachael Tutwiler Fortune Elected to Consortium of Florida Education Foundations

Established in 1987, the Consortium is the membership organization for the education foundations aligned with Florida’s county-wide school districts.


Tutwiler Fortune is one of five local education foundation leaders who, along with four statewide officers, govern the Consortium, a membership organization for Florida’s district-wide local education foundations.

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Guest column: Renaming schools is over, but working on equity in education has just begun

JPEF President Rachael Tutwiler Fortune writes about education equity in the Florida Times-Union.


"Education research has taught us a lot about what makes a difference for diverse learners, but it takes significant support to implement these practices across our many public schools."

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Duval County parents graduate from parent leadership program, launch community projects

Parents Who Lead is a partnership with Duval County Public Schools, Kids Hope Alliance, and the Jacksonville Public Library.


The parents are now beginning community projects to make an impact for local children.

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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.