Meet Scott Sowell, our Summer Teacher Fellow


Scott Sowell, a proud graduate of Duval County Public Schools, has worked in science education for 20 years, and is currently a science teacher at Darnell-Cookman Middle-High School.

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Elizabeth Feustel is summer learning at JPEF


While at the Jacksonville Public Education Fund, Elizabeth hopes to learn advocacy skills, and new research techniques. She's also excited to learn more about Jacksonville’s education community, and connect with local leaders in an impactful way.



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Celebrating Bilingualism in DCPS


The Dual Language Program is designed to prepare children to succeed in a culturally diverse world and a global economy through academic achievement and proficiency in a second language. The students who are part of this program receives 50% of their class instruction in Spanish and 50% in English.

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Promising Turnaround: The Leadership Schools at Eugene Butler


After 15 years of struggle to get past its reputation as a failing school, Eugene Butler Middle School is showing tremendous promise as the home to two new single gender leadership academies under one roof. The Young Women’s and Young Men’s Leadership Academies at Eugene Butler have captured the hearts and hopes of their school leaders, teachers, students, parents and community partners, all determined to prove that all students can achieve excellence in an environment of high expectations and high levels of support.

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National Mental Health Month Spotlights Efforts in Jacksonville


In the last few years, there has been a rising tide of efforts to ensure that children and adults in our community are on level ground when it comes to mental health. Thanks to a several efforts in Jacksonville, mental illness has been elevated on the community’s agenda through groups such as JCCI, Inc., The Partnership for Child Health and Mental Health America of Northeast Florida.



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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.