Artistic Vision Comes to Life: Thanks to PowerUP Jax


Teachers, are you thinking of a terrific project for your class — one that impacts students, their families and your school’s community? You have the idea, the volunteers, you know where to get the materials but all you need is the money to bring your vision to life. PowerUP Jax can help Duval County public school teachers like you get the funding you need to do creative projects in your classroom – just like it did for Terry Woodlief. 

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2016 School Choice Expo: What you need to know


As decision deadlines loom, many Duval parents could use some guidance in how to make sure their child will be in the right school at the beginning of Fall 2016. Here are some steps to make sure you’re on the right track, with links to resources to inform your decision.

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FSA cut scores and school grades thresholds approved


By a 6-1 vote, the State Board of Education voted to pass Commissioner Pam Stewart’s proposed Florida Standards Assessment cut scores and school grades thresholds.

Keep reading to learn more about the details and next steps.

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FSA cut scores and school grades thresholds approved


By a 6-1 vote, the State Board of Education voted to pass Commissioner Pam Stewart’s proposed Florida Standards Assessment cut scores and school grades thresholds.

Keep reading to learn more about the details and next steps.

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Graduation rates up, show increasing reduction in disparities



Today the Florida Department of Education released the 2014-2015 graduation rates, and the news is incredibly encouraging.

The rates, which are calculated using a stringent federal formula, showed that Duval County's overall graduation rate rose to 76.6 percent this year, up from 74 percent last year. Even more exciting is the data showing that rates among African-American students and economically disadvantaged students are going up even faster, reducing disparities.

Keep reading to see all results and learn more.

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of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.