Legislative Tracking
2025 Legislative Tracker
Early Childhood
School Readiness Program - HB 877
Companion Bill: SB 1102
Revises criteria for a child to receive priority for participation in a school readiness program and provides requirements for school readiness program providers to be eligible for specified funding.
1st Reading (Original Filed Version) - 03/04/2024
K-12 Education
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program - HB 17
Requires public middle schools to provide for administration of PSAT/NMSQT to students who meet specified criteria for specified purposes relating to Florida Bright Futures Program; requires specified test preparation resources & information be provided to certain students; provides for funding for such assessments & resources; & revises eligibility criteria for certain awards under Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program.
3/4/2024 - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Universal Free School Breakfast and Lunch Program - HB 119
Requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, subject to the appropriation of funds by the Legislature, to establish and operate a program to provide universal free school breakfast and lunch meals to all public school students; deleting provisions requiring school districts to implement and charge students for a breakfast program; deleting provisions requiring only certain school districts to implement a universal free school breakfast program and encouraging districts to provide free breakfast meals; authorizing school districts to operate free school meal programs using offsite food preparation locations.
3/4/2025 House - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Administrative Efficiency in Public Schools - SB 166
Exempting district school boards from requirements for adopting certain rules; deleting a requirement for a district school board to employ an internal auditor in certain circumstances; requiring innovation schools of technology to comply with specified provisions relating to instructional multiyear contracts, in addition to annual contracts, for instructional personnel in addition to annual contracts; revising requirements relating to district school board attendance policies for Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Programs; revising requirements for assessments needed for a student to earn a high school diploma; providing requirements for advanced degrees which may be used to set salary schedules for instructional personnel and school administrators hired after a specified date; revising eligibility requirements for individuals to participate in the Teacher Apprenticeship Program.
3/6/2025 Senate - On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Committee on Pre-K - 12 Education, 03/11/25, 8:30 am, 37 Senate Building
Education - HB 123
Statewide, Standardized Assessments - HB 159
Requires development of statewide standardized assessments & portions of coordinated screening & monitoring system in specified languages by specified school year; provides requirements for DOE; authorizes parents to prohibit use of such assessments & system in languages other than English
3/4/2025 House - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Health Screenings for K-12 Students - HB 219
Authorizes specified screening services to be performed on K-12 students after written parental notification of such services is provided & student's parents are given specified opportunities
3/4/2025 House - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Private School Student Participation in Interscholastic and Intrascholastic Extracurricular Sports - SB 248
Revising the criteria a private school student must meet to participate in a sport at a Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) member school; deleting a provision limiting which non-FHSAA member private school students are eligible to participate in FHSAA sports, etc.
3/6/2025 Senate - On Committee agenda-- Education Pre-K - 12, 03/11/25, 4:00 pm, 412 Knott Building
Exceptional Students and Video Cameras in Public Schools - HB 257
Prohibits district school superintendents & principals from increasing total number of students in certain classes by more than specified percentage; requires video camera be placed in certain public school classrooms, including certain charter school classrooms; provides requirements for placement of such video cameras.
3/4/2025 House - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Middle School and High School Start Times - HB 261
Removes requirement that middle & high schools start by specified times beginning in certain year; requires district school boards to consider certain benefits relating to school start times when adopting such school start times.
3/4/2025 H 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Cardiac Emergencies on School Grounds - HB 337
Revises requirement for instruction on CPR & use of AED; requires each public school to develop cardiac emergency response plan (CERP); & provides school, CERP, & training requirements.
3/4/2025 House - 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Student Elopement - HB 345
Requires public schools to create School Staff Assistance for Emergencies (SAFE) Team & school elopement plan; provides requirements for SAFE Teams, elopement plans, & schools.
3/4/2025 H 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Emergency Opioid Antagonists in Public K-12 Schools and Postsecondary Educational Institutions - HB 355
Authorizes public schools to purchase, use, & maintain supply of emergency opioid antagonists that meet specified criteria, rather than only naloxone; & revises definition of term "emergency opioid antagonist."
3/11/2025 House - Now in Health & Human Services Committee
Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys - SB 364
Prohibited Discrimination Based on Hairstyle - HB 387
Family Empowerment Scholarship Program - HB 423
Charter Schools - HB 443
Career Planning Opportunities For Students - HB 571
Diabetes Management In Schools - HB 597
Required Instruction In Cursive Writing - HB 921
Requires students in specified grades to receive instruction in cursive writing; provides requirements for such instruction; & requires students to demonstrate proficiency in cursive writing by end of specified grade.
3/18/2025 House - Added to Education & Employment Committee agenda
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program - HB 1107
Revises eligibility requirements for student who earns high school diploma from non-Florida school.
3/5/2025 House - Now in Education Administration Subcommittee
Certificates of Completion - HB 1111
Provides that only students with disabilities may earn a certificate of completion; revises learning opportunities available to certain students.
3/11/2025 House - Now in PreK-12 Budget Subcommittee
Mathematics Education Requirement - HB 1113
Revises uniform core curricula for state-approved teacher preparation programs to include specified mathematics content; revises requirements for postsecondary educator preparation institutes to include certain instruction & assessments on specified mathematics content; provides requirements for instructional materials reviewers & instructional materials for mathematics; requires competency-based professional learning certification programs to include specified mathematics content.
3/18/2025 H Favorable with CS by Student Academic Success Subcommittee
Personal Financial Literacy - HB 1261
School Attendance - HB 1367
Educator Certifications and Training - HB 37
Exceptional Student Education - HB 127
Requiring the Department of Education to develop and implement, by a specified date, a workforce credential program for students with an autism spectrum disorder or students on a modified curriculum; requiring the department to produce an annual report during a specified timeframe
3/14/2025 H Added to Human Services Subcommittee agenda